Sunday, March 22, 2009

The maiden post.

Hey there. I'm starting this blog kind of as a journal of my adventures through WoW. Gear drops, events, drama, and all the sort. At the time of this writing, I've got nothing better to do so why not post this.

Here's my first character with out the recent gear change I went through, Otawk. The guild leader always calls me Hawk. Oh well. I don't mind. Anywho, today for him, I ran SFK with the GM and some random rogue. This dropped the first time along with these shoulders and got decently good XP. How fun. The 2nd time we ran it, the same crap dropped from Razorclaw and Baron Silverlane. We get to Odo, and my day is made. I win the roll on this. The rogue felt obliged to roll need on that.

Arugal dropped his robe, so that run was pretty fetch.

That's it for now, nothing interesting has happened. Not until 6pm. Get some.

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